Lifegivers Trust (UK) exists in order to raise funds to maintain the Lifegivers Home, and we appeal to our fellows here in Britain to help provide that support.
All funds raised go to the Home, apart from minimal necessary expenses (such as bank charges and web hosting). The trustees receive no salary. We do not contemplate employing anybody. The funds raised here will be passed on to the Home monthly. We will not be building up any significant bank balance here!
How to give
We accept money paid by cheque sent to our postal address (see the contacts page). Cheques should be made out to Lifegivers Trust (UK). If you have paid enough tax to qualify, please include a gift aid form with your cheque.
We accept payments via Paypal, either from your own Paypal account or by credit or debit card.
We welcome direct bank transfers, which you may set up by online banking.
Regular payments
We especially welcome regular payments, made by standing order. You may either set up such an order directly via online banking, or you may download the standing order form, complete it and post it to us. See the contacts page for the address.
If you set up a direct payment through your own bank, please send us an email to tell us about it, so that we can check that it arrives in our bank safely.
Never use any other bank details than the ones listed on this page. If we ever have to change bank, we will post the information here and notify you by email or by post (assuming you have given us your address).